Creation Size Five Games – The test of your nerves in the spirit Super Meat Boy, in which the death of the main character is the inevitable and natural part of the gameplay. But if the latter brought to white potion an impenetrable structure of levels and frantic dynamics, then torture The Swindle more skilled and sophisticated.
Time is money
The Swindle He begins to engage in sadism from the very beginning, at the level of user acquaintance with the world and mechanics of the game. Instead of issuing a detailed “tutorial” you are immediately thrown “in the field”: a certain pepelats falls on the ground, from which a mustachioed grandfather with the appearance of the plumbing is falling out. The hero goes along the only path and immediately stumbles upon the building. It roams the patrol robots, whose eyes radiate rectangular luminous flows. It must be a area of their vision.
We check the assumption in practice. We go into the house and find ourselves right in front of the guard’s nose. Iron man quickly runs up to us and beats with a club on the head. There is a statistics screen, carefully informing that we stole 0% of the money available at the level of money, and 99 days left until the end of the game. No “restart” or the conservation of progress is provided.
What it was? The described situation is very indicative: The Swindle In every possible way tries to demonstrate his neglect of the user. As if doing a great favor, playing three paragraphs briefly outlines the plot situation: in the alternative Steampankovo Universe, Scotland-Yard creates an artificial intelligence system “Vasilisk of the Devil”, which is destined to put an end to criminal activity on Earth. The only chance to survive the thieves is to steal a “basilisk”. How? And solve it yourself. Do everything you want, but keep in mind: you only have a hundred days – after that the “basilisk” will be launched.
Time limitation gives the gaming process a nervous note. In order to get to the storage with artificial intelligence, you need to earn a round amount of money. For this, the team of thieves organizes sorties into rich urban areas. One operation – one day. The failure of the mission means the time spent in vain. You start to panic very quickly: you really didn’t understand the control, not to mention the mechanics, and they will subtract days!
Through tests and errors, you find out that the main thing is not to come across the field of view of patrolling robots. Opponents can be stunned by getting into them imperceptibly. You can start from the walls, making a high jump. If the guard still raised the alarm, you need to run away, because the armored super -police will soon appear. Before all these basic ones for the mechanics of the game of things, you get digging yourself. To find out how the world here is the world, you need to fail over and over again. Death becomes a necessary part of the gameplay, a condition for extracting information about the game.
All on the floor, this is a robbery!
Well, we will understand. We make another landing in the same location. We notice that both the main character and the structure of the building have changed. This is one of the “raisins” The Swindle – procedural level generation provides reiglabiness. The building has windows – an excellent alternative path to penetration. Let’s try … The guard who worships the glass notices us, runs up, and now … 98 days. Opponents can kill us through glass, and we do not. Well, we will know.
Twenty more gaming days pass. Maybe everything is not so bad. Of course, the fifth of the time of the game is behind, and we did not approach the iot. But we managed to save a pathetic five thousand pounds and finally get our first gadget-a bomb. Putting special hopes on the new product, we lay dynamite in front of the door, behind which a very strong enemy lurked … 79 days. But another checkmark in the list of recognized things – the wick burns very quickly.
However, the duration of combustion can be increased. Like much more – in the breaks between the missions, we can scatter the money earned by a rather large -scale tree of skills. Probably, there have been no games for a long time in which the “pumping” of the character is so important. The solution, what “upgrade” to make is a separate gameplay element. You can take a chance to open a new location, or you can invest in the character’s skills in order to rob more effectively on already open. Double jump, hacking of iron doors, the speed of movement of the hero, several gadgets – each of the improvements in a certain way affects the robbery strategy.
Some skills are basic, and it is advisable to acquire them in the first place. Such, for example, “hacking” of terminals with money. Computers are the main source of income. Their hacking is carried out as a result of a quick pressing of a certain combination of keys. This is not so difficult – much more difficult to get to them. Often the terminals are protected by a large number of motley robots, mines and other protection systems. In such situations, you have to carefully plan a robbery.
Life is priceless
55 days. We managed to open two locations. There are few of them – only six, but, coupled with automatic generation of deficiency levels in a variety, does not occur. They differ primarily by the design and number of hidden wealth. “Prizes” at each next level is an order of magnitude more expensive than on the previous. But the protection is incomparably more aggressive. Scales of iron worms crawl around the building, electricians flutter, wandering evil robots with guns … I don’t want to come in at all. By the way, what is doing that flying bucket with propeller? Check … Yes, it explodes next to the hero. 54 days.
As we approach the final of the mechanic of the game, is overgrown with new aspects and subtleties. Each of the opponents has its own logic of behavior, and only from your own experience can you understand what to expect from them. You should not rush anywhere, but greedy – all the more so. Break at least one terminal – big luck. Although the statistics screen will show miserable 20% of possible production, this is often better to limit yourself, because the price of the error is too high.
The risk of hacking everything that can be hacked, and take away all the gold wealth at the level, of course, pays off a lot of prey. However, the only mistake nullifies all the feats. The Swindle teaches to appreciate the time and heroes that we have. As a result of the death of the robber, we will not only not get stolen money, but also interrupt a series of successful sorties of this thief. And they are supposed to be a bonus – the “long -liver” can double, or even triple the earned amount.
Thieves’ luck
35 days. We just had such a professional! Lotti McFarlein (names here are also randomly generated) – eleven successful robberies are already listed in his track record. With him we managed to open another location. We are already quite advanced: we can hang on the walls, we can freeze the enemy trap or even subjugate the robot for ourselves. To the level of The Swindle, where the “Basilisk” is stored, only fifty thousand pounds remained to accumulate.
Trifling amount at this stage of the game. Lotti has a huge bonus, and, breaking the terminal that is in the basement, right under us, we will definitely get the necessary money. We make our way into the room on a small pipe, successfully hack the computer and get the coveted pounds. Hooray, we collected the necessary amount! But our joy turns out to be short -lived – there is no way out of the premises, but to the pipe through which we got here, it is impossible to jump. Who could know. Lotti, I’m sorry, but I have no other choice, except to use suicide function … 34 days.
Sometimes the procedural generation of levels slips hopeless situations from which the hero can get out only by committing suicide. Sometimes you will break up to death because the almighty “random” pleased to create an abyss in the most unexpected place. Some levels are extremely simple and will literally give you terminals, and some will be simply impassable. The random factor is both plus and minus the game.
15 days. We got to the last level, in which the treasured “Valisisk” is stored! Are we really on the threshold of the final? Let’s see … the size of the location and the number of iron ill -wishers inhabiting it are many times the most that we met before. Moreover, one defeat covers us with access to the level, which means that we will have to save three hundred thousand pounds again to get here. There are no chances, because my hero is not “pumped” even half, only three bombs are placed in his pockets, he never learned the strongest skill of teleportation … It seems that everything was in vain.
Theoretically The Swindle can be passed in one sitting, in a couple of hours. One hundred days more than enough. In practice, you will have to come to terms with the fact that dozens of passages will be devoted exclusively to the study of the mechanics of the game, the applicability of “skills” and the logic of the behavior of rivals. The story we described received a pessimistic end because we did not have the necessary skills and information. With each next attempt about The Swindle you will find out a little more, and the final results turn out to be better. But for those dozens, hundreds of annoying deaths of your heroes, you will have time to lose your temper more than once and curse the developers.
Alarm is raised. It would be wiser to run from all legs. But greed does not allow to leave with empty pockets.
The Swindle it is very easy to love and just as easy to hate. It can be cursed for incredible complexity, or you can admire the original idea and honed mechanics. Although, most likely, you will have to do everything at the same time: to love to hate, to annoy admiring and harvest compliments through tears. Of course you can abandon the game after five minutes. But if you have at least a drop of gaming vanity and after the first failures you will not go out to take an Olympic height of 100 days, if you firmly decide for yourself: “Challenge” is accepted, you will not turn away.
Pros: original idea;Healthy hardcore;thoughtful management of resources;A pleasant steampunk design.
Cons: Random generation of levels sometimes creates hopeless situations;The success of the passage largely depends on good luck.